There are several ways to exercise sponsorship, but based on the popularity and recognition of today, we will study three of them:
Events. Run on an event that is directly related to your brand’s footwear type. For example, if you produce sports shoes, you can use marketing strategies in a marathon, either with shoe gifts, coupon delivery, raffles, etc.
Influencers. Influencers are figures that have emerged in recent years thanks to social networks, these people have powerful audience, where they seek to offer your products in exchange for advertising that reaches their followers.
Athletes. Very similar to influencers, but this is carried out with a niche market more closed according to the model of footwear and specialty athlete. Nike is a precursor of this type of sponsorship, in which shoes are offered and sometimes paid in cash to an athlete of a certain sport in exchange for being the image and the spokesperson for the different channels of the brand, in addition to the exclusivity for the firm.