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Quality control applied to leather.

In order for a product made of leather to have excellent margins of quality a control that goes from raising livestock to marketing skin to make called leather must be complied with.


Being such a long process and involving many parties makes it difficult to fully comply, in these quality control failures influence the following aspects:

-Little financial compensation in the area of animal skinning.

-Lack of information on livestock care and considerations.

-Deficiency in killing processes.

-Supply chain with too many links.

-Implementation and enforcement of stricter standards.


It is for all the above mentioned that we will analyze each of the factors that affect the quality control of leather.

Problems of the living animal.


Parasites such as lice, mites, bullock and ringworm, but especially ticks cause notorious consequences on animals has already been cattle, goat, swine, etc. The damage caused by these animals is such, that often only a very corrected flower leather can be obtained; and this could be avoided with care and use of products; but the farmers often refuse to carry the economic risk without the certainty that will be compensated at the time of negotiation.


·Wires- Chemical.

Wires or barbs arranged in fences considerably damage the skin of the animal, as well as the use of chemicals for baths or cleaning.

·Identification marks.

The marks with burning iron is a method of identification practiced around the world, but this brings with it very visible marks on the skin, so it is currently recommended to make this identification with plastic devices in the ear of the animal.


Mistakes in the killing processes result in skinning problems that have consequences on the leather. Currently the slaughterhouses have been updated reducing the inconvenience, however there are still some as the increase in temperature in the skin after separating it from the animal, which triggers a more accelerated rot and therefore skin problems.

In addition to this it is recommended to separate the meat with the technique of pulling it down (instead of upwards) to avoid contamination, reduce losses, reduce washing times, avoid stretching and tearing of the skins. 



Commercial agencies/ Wholesalerss   |   shoe manufacturers   |   Leather goods manufacturers   |   Shoe shop/ Retailer



The most advisable is to cure the skin as soon as possible after skinning to avoid starting the decomposition process, for this some opt for drying in order to destroy bacteria, but not interfere with collagen.


The ideal drying should be done in shade and not under the sun in anti-bacterial solutions.



No later than 8 hours after skinning and before salting the skins, they should be cooled either by spray washing.

There is the possibility of refrigerating them even replacing the fact of having to salt them. 


It has been proven that at temperatures of -10 °C/ -15°C, they are preserved very well while maintaining all their properties.



Once the leather is cured it is still important to maintain cool temperature conditions without losing quality, but retaining minimal humidity environments.



The presence of flies, worms, beetles, larvae, etc. Insecticides can be used.

·Vital Liquid Supply/ Electrical Power.

From the moment they decide to open a tannery must take into account the water supply both the quantity and frequency and its composition, as these may present variations in terms of the salts present, of containing too many salts must be applied treatments to the liquid, so for the best option is well water.


In turn, a constant source of energy is required to ensure that all tannery work can be carried out without major problems.

·Supplies of chemical agents.

Dyes, synthetics, fats, etc. They are part of the chemicals that need to be kept on the agenda so that workflows are not interrupted.



In addition to this, there must be tanks that have the ideal conditions of temperature, humidity, among other factors, that do not damage the products.

Ideally these are the considerations that would have to be handled to have as perfect a quality control of the leather as possible, however the reality tells us that they are not always carried out as it should be; but if it is important to stress that the greater quality controls the better will be the result of the work on the leather,  thus the economic value of the same and the quality of the finished products.

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